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B ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2012

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বৈদেশিক সাহায্য
প্রত্যক্ষ বৈদেশিক বিনিয়োগ
রপ্তানি আয়
মূল্য সংযোজন কর
ভূমি কর
দ্রব্যের দামের উপর
ভোক্তার আয়ের উপর
ভোক্তার রুচি ও পছন্দের উপর
International Management fund
International Marketing Fund
International Movement Fund
International Monetary Fund
প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে
মধ্য পর্যায়ে
শেষ পধায়ে

Cities are managed by elected politicians and appointed officials or professionals. Often, there are basic contradictions between legitimate interests of the two groups. Because politicians are responsible to the electorate, they must have the means to carry out the policies they have promised to pursue. In particular, they must be able to hire and trust professionals who will implement there policies and to terminate them if need be. Professionals who work in municipal administration, on the other hand must enjoy a certain degree of independence as will as a large degree of tenure security. Otherwise, municipal administration will never be able to attract people with high caliber. There is no simple set of rules to solve this contradiction. More so the roles of professionals in city management vary from country to country.

Relationship between engineers and doctors
Relationship between politicians and appointed officials or professionals
Relationship between ministers
None of the above
Appointed officials of professionals
An engineer
A & C
These will lose money
These will not be able to attract high caliber
The politicians will be compelled to resign from
A & B
Appointed officials or professionals
Community groups
None of the above
Legitimate interests
Vested interests
None of the above
A & B
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